Sunday, December 4, 2011

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Patience and Long-suffering [James 5: 7,8]

Instant noodles. Instant messaging. Fast food. Express lanes.
The world is in such a big hurry, don't you think?

And for what, exactly? More than we care to admit, I think people are generally worried that they wouldn't have enough time to do the things they want to do, be who they've always hoped to be, and get the best the world has to offer.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Do Good [Titus 3]

(Dated Nov. 2, 2011)

A person who believes in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior has been washed with His blood and is being renewed by the Holy Spirit. He has been justified by grace and has become an heir of the kingdom of God. Paul admonishes Titus to stress this to the believers, and I believe that these things apply even for us today.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

On Guilt [Psalm 38]

David was a king and is one of the well-loved characters in the Bible. He was the man after God's own heart. But even a guy like him fell into sin, reminding us that no matter how successful you are, famous, rich, or intelligent, no one is perfect, and all fall short of the glory of God. All of us possess the same sinful nature, and all of us struggle (or outright refuse) to replace it with the new one.

I think the more important thing, though, that we need to pay attention to is what we do with sin. Do we confess our sins, or just reassure ourselves that no matter what we do, God still loves us, and then we keep doing it?

Dwellers of the Temple of the Almighty [Psalm 15 & 27]

(Dated July 16 and 20, 2011)

  • Who dwells in God's Temple? (Psalm 15)

The one who lives with integrity
Words are backed up with action. His lips speak only of truth, thoughts are only of truth, and heart harbors the truth. Public and private life are consistent. He knows what is right and does it. (v.2)

The one who loves his neighbor
He does not tear down others and does not seek to destroy another's testimony. He does whatever it takes not to cause others inconvenience and avoids conflict. (v.3)

He does not condone sin, but he loves the sinner enough to help him overcome. (v.4)

He does not take advantage of the weak. He does not exploit others. (v.5)

The one who keeps his commitment
He keeps his promises, even when it hurts. He does not forget the vows that he made in the good times and fulfills them even in the bad times. He does what he says, regardless of the circumstance. (v.4)

Am I a temple-dweller? According to the things required of a temple-dweller, will I have a place in God's kingdom? If the size of God's room in your heart determined the size of your eternal heavenly dwelling place, how big will that room be?

You behold the beauty of God's presence.
You enjoy unrestricted access to God.
You have safety in the day of trouble.
You are free to worship the Lord there!

Monday, October 31, 2011

How Long? [Psalm 13]

(Dated July 16, 2011)

"How long...?"
I can totally relate to that feeling when something has been going on for too long, and it's kinda making life miserable. Sometimes, a problem has been there for a long time that you stop noticing it and start getting used to being in pain, to struggling. But as we know, that doesn't last very long. I mean, there's only so much that a lowly earthling can bear, and so the pain sucks the life out of you, like a leech, and you don't know how to make it stop. Hence, the enemy starts to think he is victorious.

Not giving up is good, but you can not give up and also not fight, and not fighting is even worse than losing.

Despite all the baggages (like time bombs waiting to tik-tik-boom!), David found security in God, whose love NEVER fails. He rejoiced for the knowledge that God will save Him, and he even goes on to say that God has been good. He wasn't in a comfortable situation, obviously, but his song was a song of PRAISE to God, not of heartache and frustration. How peaceful and secure he must have been to be able to sing praises to God even with a burdened heart! What faith!

He Knows Me [Psalm 139]

(Dated July 13, 2011)
  • The LORD knows me completely. He knows everything there is to know about me, even things that I have not yet discovered about myself. Hence, the LORD knows if I am doing--and even thinking--good or evil. Is God pleased with what He knows about me? Is God pleased with my thoughts and actions? Is God pleased by the things I do in secret?
  • The LORD made me, so He can see through me from the inside out. There's nothing I can hide from Him. And in His eyes, I am a masterpiece. He meant for me to be this way. Do I appreciate how the LORD created me to be? Am I thankful for how He has shaped me? Or do I wish to be someone else?
  • God knows everything about me. How much do I know about Him? Do I make the effort to know God in a deeper way? Am I aiming to know Him more? Though His wonders are too great for me to comprehend, do I ask for His wisdom to understand? Am I believing in faith?
  • The devil is looking for opportunities to pounce upon me and take me down. By God's strength, with God's help, I can flee from them and overcome them. And in these times of distress, I can find peace with God, and I know He will lead me as long as I keep walking with Him. If I lose my way, He will find me and bring me back, because He knows me.

Choosing Company [1 Cor. 15:33,34 / Proverbs 1:10]

(Dated September 6 and 7, 2011)

Be wise enough to choose what kind of people you associate yourself with because the more you spend time with them, the more you will become like them. So if they sin, eventually, you will to. This is not a self-righteous or judgmental comment. It just says that choosing good company is exercising wisdom.

If you are worried about not being able to reach out to your unbeliever friends, please know that there are other ways to do so, way better and more effective than immersing yourself in their ungodly environment. No matter how strong a Christian you think you are--or make yourself to be--when a temptation presents itself, you really can't tell whether you will give in or not. It's easy to say no when you're not in a tight spot, but if you put yourself out there, in the midst of temptation and sin, how long do you think it will take before you indulge yourself? If you're trying to prove that you are a strong Christian, well, wake up, kid, because you did just the opposite. The Bible says a Christian who is enticed/talked into committing sin is even worse than a person who does not believe in God. Bad company corrupts good character. You will suffer consequences.

Living as a Sacrifice [Romans 12:1 & 2]

(Dated August 17, 2011)

Because God has been merciful to us, Paul tells us that the only way we can repay God is by living our lives in service and worship to Him. After all, this life came from Him; what better way to give back and say thanks than live it for His glory? And Paul says that this is what worship is about. It's not about singing or preaching or leading, because even if you do those things but are not doing it for God, none of those mean anything. To worship means to glorify God in anything and everything. It's not just one act; it's an ongoing thing--a LIFESTYLE. And it's the only way Christians should live their lives.