Monday, October 31, 2011

Living as a Sacrifice [Romans 12:1 & 2]

(Dated August 17, 2011)

Because God has been merciful to us, Paul tells us that the only way we can repay God is by living our lives in service and worship to Him. After all, this life came from Him; what better way to give back and say thanks than live it for His glory? And Paul says that this is what worship is about. It's not about singing or preaching or leading, because even if you do those things but are not doing it for God, none of those mean anything. To worship means to glorify God in anything and everything. It's not just one act; it's an ongoing thing--a LIFESTYLE. And it's the only way Christians should live their lives.
It's not an option, but the choice is up to you whether you give all your life to God, give Him just some parts of it, or not have anything to do with Him at all.

Like wise people have said, the problem with a living sacrifice is that it leaves the altar. Why It's probably because we do not understand and even try to know what God's will is. We're afraid of what we do not know, we're afraid to know, and we're afraid of what we cannot see. We doubt God's power. We lack faith to believe that He is in control and that He knows what He is doing. But it's not supposed to be like that. What's keeping you from giving God EVERY SINGLE PART of your life? You don't have time to pick up your Bible and read, but you have time to pick up a novel and read. You don't have money to drop in the offering basket, but you have money to buy a new phone. You can't take enough time to write on a journal, because you use up all your time tweeting and texting and chatting and what have you. We have to remember that we are in this world ONLY because of a mission. And that mission is not to have the most followers on Twitter, or to have the most reblogs on Tumblr, or to have the most videos up on YouTube with the most views/likes. Our mission is not to be at the top, be the best, or whatever. Being successful isn't a bad thing; it's actually admirable. But if your success only satisfies the standard of the world and not God's, it doesn't matter. There's more to life than this--all of this, for this is our mission: to point others to Jesus wherever we are, whatever we do. Even if we're not popular or rich. Even if we come from a broken family. Even if we're sick. Even if we're not the smartest in class.

All God needs is for you to say "yes" to Him. All you need to do is to let Go and let God take control of your life--your whole life, not just parts of it. He gave His everything, even His one and only Son. Isn't it just right that you and I give all of ourselves to Him?

When you stop living for yourself and start living for God, He will do great things FOR you, THROUGH you, and IN you that you never imagined possible. When you let Him take control of your life, things will start to make sense because He will show you the things that He has planned for you. When it's all about God and not about you, life takes a 180-degree turn, and you are guaranteed to experience the wonders that you would've missed out on if you had insisted on going your way.

God is not being selfish in asking you to give your life to Him. In fact, He is doing it for your sake; He loves you too much that He doesn't want you worrying about food, clothes, school, money, your family and friends--everything. He already has a plan for your life, and it's gonna happen whether you like it or not. So there's really no point in struggling and resisting. There's no point in hesitating. No, the journey won't be easy, but everything will be worth it when we see the glory of God and let it shine through us. And someday, we will be with Him in Heaven.

Obedience is better than sacrifice. Let's live in obedience. God knows what's best for us.

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