Tuesday, November 1, 2011

On Guilt [Psalm 38]

David was a king and is one of the well-loved characters in the Bible. He was the man after God's own heart. But even a guy like him fell into sin, reminding us that no matter how successful you are, famous, rich, or intelligent, no one is perfect, and all fall short of the glory of God. All of us possess the same sinful nature, and all of us struggle (or outright refuse) to replace it with the new one.

I think the more important thing, though, that we need to pay attention to is what we do with sin. Do we confess our sins, or just reassure ourselves that no matter what we do, God still loves us, and then we keep doing it?

Guilt from sin is something a normal Christian cannot live with for long, but if the sin becomes a habit, there is no room for guilt anymore and no more compulsion to confess the sin, much less to stop committing it. Those who don't have God in their life don't have guilt. Those who don't value their relationship with God, though they have Him in their life, don't have guilt, either. Why? Because if they had the right relationship with God, then they would have the right relationship with sin as well. Love God. Hate sin. That's all there is to it.

Nothing is unknown to God, so might as well 'fess up. Don't let sin destroy you, and don't let guilt reside in your heart. It's better to confess sin than to hide it and pretend it's not happening. Guilt can do you good if it leads you to a confession, but it can be destructive if it is repressed and locked away in the deepest corner of the heart. God knows the secret things. Let His truth set you free.

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